During the cold season, the Red and Assiniboine Rivers have, for centuries, supplied safe passage over for the people of Manitoba. Ancient peoples would traffic this waterway frequently, pausing to rest and warm in small, temporary shelters of fur, fabric and wood. Inspired by this history, the Veiled Core translates these activities and architectures into contemporary uses, materials and construction techniques.
Like its historic predecessors, the Veiled Core uses a layered construct of lightweight, indigenous materials to provide rest and warmth. The outer shell of fabric stretched over a lightweight wood structure provides the first layer, protects the occupants from the harsh winds and provides an iconic veil between interior and exterior activities. Once inside the veil, the wooden structure frames the experience, guiding occupants toward the center most layer of the hut. Formed from a dense accumulation of fur-lined hammocks and shelters, the dense fabric core is the focal point of relaxation and interaction between occupants, providing the warmest and most comfortable environment for longer-term occupation and rest.
Like its historic predecessors, the Veiled Core uses a layered construct of lightweight, indigenous materials to provide rest and warmth. The outer shell of fabric stretched over a lightweight wood structure provides the first layer, protects the occupants from the harsh winds and provides an iconic veil between interior and exterior activities. Once inside the veil, the wooden structure frames the experience, guiding occupants toward the center most layer of the hut. Formed from a dense accumulation of fur-lined hammocks and shelters, the dense fabric core is the focal point of relaxation and interaction between occupants, providing the warmest and most comfortable environment for longer-term occupation and rest.